With a population of over 4,000 students, Mukiria Technical Training Institute has spurred economic growth in Abothuguci Central, Imenti Central constituency.
However, due to shortage of hostels within the institute, students and staff are forced to seek accommodation from as far as Nkubu and Kariene towns, inconveniencing them.
“One of the greatest challenges we face is acute shortage of accommodation for our students and teachers who come from far and don’t have a place to stay. With the currently student population and expected to increase next year when we admit new students, there is need for more hostels,” said Michael Maina, the college principal.
He urged investors to construct more modern hostels in a bid to accommodate the rising population of students, teachers and students, adding that the situation forces learners and staff to travel long distances.
Speaking to the media at the institution, Maina said this inconveniences both the students and teachers since they waste a lot of time commuting to and from the institution.
He challenged residents who own land in the area to rise to the occasion by investing in modern and sufficient rental houses, noting that the national government is no longer keen on funding accommodation of the students.
“Technical institutions have spurred economic growth in areas where they are located and we call upon members of the community to exploit the opportunity. This will also encourage us to market our institution knowing that our students will be taken care of in terms of accommodation. Going by the current population, this area should be more developed in terms of infrastructure than it is, ” said the Principal.
The newly posted principal said they will consult with the locals in a bid to have them invest in rental houses.
“We believe that for us to grow we need to support each other. We must support our community and vice versa. The local community will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the institution because they will get job opportunities and a ready market for their farm produce. That is why we must work harmoniously,” noted Maina.

Principal Michael Maina and deputy Karwitha Nkarichia during the interview

The institution will also set up income generating projects in a bid to supplement the funds it gets from student fees and urged students to apply for bursary funds.
A partnership with Young Africa Works and Canadian Technical Youths will see the institute manufacture building materials to produce cabros, with the project expected to generate revenue and eliminate wastage.
Maina said they will use Factual Reality Technology to teach trainees, noting that this will greatly cut cost meant for buying training materials.
Deputy principal Ms Karwitha Nkarinchia said the student population has grown tremendously due to the institution intense training coupled with valuable and marketable courses.
She said the institution will start making uniforms and over coats and sell them to students at a subsidized price in order to generate more income.
The Institute has adopted the new Curriculum Based Technical Training (CBET) and will start administering their own examinations in line with needs of the sectors in which they offer training.
“TVETs are the future of this country in terms of job creation. We will also introduce Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) courses and call on those in various sectors of the economy who need papers to come and enroll in this programme,” she said.


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