Media Council of Kenya (MCK) Chief Executive Officer David Omwoyo has lauded the Meru Press Club for pioneering regional journalists associations and awakening solidarity in the profession.
Speaking when he paid a courtesy call to Meru Press Club members at their office in Meru town, Mr Omwoyo said the council will continue supporting Press Clubs through grants, establishment of Media Hubs and monetisation of content.
The CEO noted that with the changing media dynamics, there was a need for journalists to be innovative by focusing on quality content.

“Our plan is to support the setting up of media centers and hubs where journalists can innovate, produce quality content and generate revenue for themselves without being exploited and being underpaid,” Omwoyo said.
He said MCK is also working on programmes to impart journalists with valuable skills sets to remain competitive in the industry.
He said journalists should have team work and help each other out to overcome challenges.
“Press Clubs can do alot in promoting professionalism, solidarity and innovation in the media,” the MCK CEO said.
The Meru Press Club Media Centre was set up in 2021 and has been providing working space and free Internet for journalists. The office has computers, internet and a recording studio.

Omwoyo challenged Meru Press to establish inaugural regional Journalists awards committing that the Media Council of Kenya will help with resources and Judges.
“Journalists need to understand that media is changing and nowadays it’s not about working in the radio, newspaper and TV. There are alot of opportunities in the online and on Social Media,” Omwoyo said.
He said many journalists across the country should team up and form press clubs to help each other out.
He lauded Meru journalists as the pioneers of Press Clubs in the entire country and urged them to be more innovative and invest so as to benefit and inspire more journalists.