By Nelson Mutwiri.

The government has come under fire for initiating a tree planting exercise during the onset of the dry season.

The exercise, where over 12 000 seedlings were planted, comes at the beginning of a dry season. The next rains are expected in March.

The tree planting took place in Ruthumbi, South Imenti Constituency, Meru County, under the leadership of the Ministry of East African Community and Arid Lands.

The ministry is striving to plant 25 million trees by June this year to achieve its targets under the Presidential National Tree Growing campaign.

Meru County Forest Officer, Wellington Ndaka, defended the move, assuring that they would water the 12,000 seedlings during the dry season.

Jotham Kinama, an official from the Ministry of East African Community and Arid Lands said the area chosen for tree planting retains moisture, which will support the growth of the trees.

EAC Ministry official plants a tree at Ruthumbi in Meru on January 13, 2025.

“The indigenous tree species selected are resilient and can withstand the dry season. Also, the area chosen for planting the trees is within a forest and has moisture to support the growth of the trees,” said Kinama.

Conservationists have expressed concern over how the 15 billion trees campaign is being implemented where planting of seedlings is prioritised over survival rate.

Meru County Commissioner Jacob Ouma instructed security officers to ensure that no illegal activities, such as the cultivation of drugs are allowed in the Imenti Forest.


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